Invest In Your Future

Deephaven’s DSCR loan product is one of our most utilized mortgage products and the demand for the loan continues to grow. CoreLogic reports that 27% of purchases in August were investor transactions. Brokers who want to expand and serve every borrower type must have Non-QM, including a DSCR solution for real estate investors. Why is this so important? Chief Sales Officer at Deephaven Tom Davis explains in the October issue of Scotsman Guide in the article “Invest in Your Future”.

Invest in Your Future

DSCR loans can be a powerful addition to your product offerings

By Tom Davis

Over the past few years, wholesale mortgage companies have seen an uptick in mortgage brokers who are eager to expand their business by offering debt-service-coverage ratio (DSCR) loans. These funding mechanisms qualify borrowers based on the income generated by an investment property and are used to cover monthly debt-service payments.

“A perfect storm of economic and housing factors conducive to a strong rental market is driving the sustained spike in DSCR loan demand.”

DSCR loans are also specifically geared to meet the needs of investors who are purchasing various types of real estate. These include single- family rentals, townhomes, two- to four-unit properties, warrantable or nonwarrantable condominiums, and planned unit developments.

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