Become An Approved Partner With Deephaven

We are glad you are here and ready to partner with a leader in Non-QM.

You are on the way to closing more transactions for borrowers who do not fit traditional Agency requirements. Serve borrowers who are high-income, high-net-worth, real estate investors and self-employed. Working with Deephaven and offering Non-QM allows you to differentiate yourself from the competition. Our flexible guidelines offer multiple options to qualify your borrowers for a loan.

Becoming a Deephaven approved partner gives you access to:

• Robust Non-QM product offerings.
• A best-in-class scenario desk to grade credit, calculate income and structure deals.
• Bank statement resource desk.
• A highly-skilled underwriting team who are experts in Non-QM loans.
• White label flyers and presentations.
• Quick pricing tools and calculators.
• New ways to protect your volume and referral base.

Discover The Deephaven Difference And Close More Loans!

The DSCR Cash Flow Loan Opportunity for Originators

The DSCR Cash Flow Loan Opportunity for Originators

​ A Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) cash flow loan is a crucial tool every originator should offer. The reasoning is simple: real estate investors continue to add to their portfolios despite market volatility. In fact, CoreLogic reported that in 2023 25% of...

Invest In Your Future

Invest In Your Future

Deephaven’s DSCR loan product is one of our most utilized mortgage products and the demand for the loan continues to grow. CoreLogic reports that 27% of purchases in August were investor transactions. Brokers who want to expand and serve every borrower type must have...