Chief Sales Officer Tom Davis joins another season of NMP’s Town Halls! Join in as the panel dives back into the market dynamics in the world of Non-QM, share secondary market updates, provide insights for seasoned Non-QM professionals and explore strategies for newcomers. Unlike a typical presentation or webinars, this Town Hall format fosters an interactive dialogue with our featured Non-QM leaders.

We’ll launch with a session on the State of Non-QM, followed by two sessions aimed at Non-QM’s primary audiences with Serving Business Owners in July and Helping Real Estate Investors in August.

By the end of this series, you will understand:
1.      The current state of the Non-QM market
2.      How to best serve the needs of business owners
3.      What real estate investors need to help them do more transactions
4.      How and where to find Non-QM borrowers
5.      What to look for in a Non-QM lender
6.      The stability of Non-QM