Tom Davis, Chief Sales Officer
Shelly Griffin, SVP Correspondent Sales
Todd Kanus, Wholesale Account Executive

Can you truly promote yourself as a diverse originator fully serving all borrower types? If you aren’t offering non-QM, the answer is likely no. You can change that and become the go-to originator for a diverse set of borrowers by adding non-QM to your offerings.

The population of borrowers who miss traditional Agency guidelines continues to grow. These include creditworthy real estate investors, self-employed borrowers and those recovered from credit events such as a foreclosure in less than seven years. Your competitors are adding to their volume every month closing non-QM loans. Isn’t it time you become the diverse originator referral partners and borrowers trust?

Join our webinar and find out how you can source non-QM borrowers and promote yourself as a full-service originator.

You will learn:

  • How to source non-QM borrowers
  • The non-QM products you should be offering to reach a more diverse set of borrowers
  • How non-QM allows you to stand out from the competition
  • Best practices and tips to market yourself as a full-service diverse originato