How To Guides & Videos

The Haven Broker Application Process Quick Guide

Rates & Matrices

WHSL Rates

BPL Matrices

DSCR 5-9 Unit Rates

WHSL Matrices

Equity Advantage Rates

DSCR 5-9 Unit Matrices

Jumbo Rates

Equity Advantage Matrices

Business Purpose Lending State Eligibility Matrix

Jumbo Matrices

PPP Matrix

Guidelines & Resources

WHSL Guidelines

Jumbo Guidelines

Income Calculator

Updates WHSL Guidelines

Updates Jumbo Guidelines


Request for verification of earnings

Condo Questionnaire

Deephaven Personal Guaranty

HOA Certification

Business Purpose Occupancy Affidavit

Gift Letter

Borrower’s Cert & Authorization

1-4 Family Rider

Self Employed Business Narrative


Reggora Broker End-User Guide

Reggora Borrower Payment Experience

White Label Marketing Flyers

Alternative Income



Asset Utilization

DSCR 5-9

Non-warrantable Condos

Business Purpose Lending

Equity Advantage

Short term rentals

Deephaven as it happens

Learn About DSCR Loans for Short Term Rental Properties

Learn About DSCR Loans for Short Term Rental Properties

What are short-term rentals? Short-term rentals are properties that are rented out nightly, weekly or even on a seasonal basis for a brief period of time. They are also referred to as vacation rentals, short-term vacation rentals or transient rentals. Properties where...

Invest In Your Future

Invest In Your Future

Deephaven’s DSCR loan product is one of our most utilized mortgage products and the demand for the loan continues to grow. CoreLogic reports that 27% of purchases in August were investor transactions. Brokers who want to expand and serve every borrower type must have...

Get A Loan For A Non-Warrantable Condo With Deephaven

Get A Loan For A Non-Warrantable Condo With Deephaven

Your client is super excited about the condo they are purchasing. Then you get the news that it has been flagged as non-warrantable. Do you dash their dreams? Please don’t. Contact a non-warrantable condo lender like Deephaven Mortgage. While the news can be...