Lending Ingenuity

“How can we make this work?”

Ingenuity at Deephaven is simply combining imagination with knowledge and experience to explore what’s possible. Whether we need to figure out a way to qualify a new bank statements borrower, or structure underwriting parameters to support a correspondent lender with unique take-out needs, we rely on our ingenuity to continuously push our loan programs and services above and beyond all expectations. Even our own.

Two Types of Non-QM Second Mortgages You Need to Know About

Two Types of Non-QM Second Mortgages You Need to Know About

Flexible second mortgage products are in demand! There are many HELOC and HELOAN options out there for borrowers who qualify. But what about those borrowers who miss the requirements, such as a self-employed borrower, who needs to tap into their equity to achieve...

Learn About DSCR Loans for Short Term Rental Properties

Learn About DSCR Loans for Short Term Rental Properties

What are short-term rentals? Short-term rentals are properties that are rented out nightly, weekly or even on a seasonal basis for a brief period of time. They are also referred to as vacation rentals, short-term vacation rentals or transient rentals. Properties where...

3 Unique Non-QM Mortgage Types for Brokers

3 Unique Non-QM Mortgage Types for Brokers

Deephaven Mortgage’s Chief Sales Officer Tom Davis is featured in HousingWire discussing the Non-QM mortgage products most crucial to offer in today's market. Make sure you have the right loan products to offer your borrowers instead of sending them to the...

Everything you need to know about closed end second mortgages

Everything you need to know about closed end second mortgages

A significant number of homeowners have substantial equity built in their homes, and a low interest rate to go with it. There are many who might like a cash-out refinance but can’t see losing their low rate on their mortgage. On top of that, they have unique...

Business Purpose Lending Provides Flexibility for Loan Officers

Business Purpose Lending Provides Flexibility for Loan Officers

Business purpose loans provide loan officers the flexibility to fully serve their real estate investor clients. Loan officers who understand how business purpose loans work and what it means to offer a true LLC lending product can potentially increase their volume....

Scotsman Guide Author Showcase Featuring Tom Davis

Scotsman Guide Author Showcase Featuring Tom Davis

Deephaven Mortgage's Chief Sales Officer Tom Davis was recently interviewed by Carl White to discuss Tom's Scotsman Guide article, "Invest In Your Future". Tom delves into the Non-QM market and offers valuable insights for those looking to invest in their financial...

Non-QM Products to Close More Loans

Non-QM Products to Close More Loans

The demand for Non-QM continues to grow! Even in today’s challenging market, Non-QM remains resilient and continues to increase in market share. Chief Sales Officer Tom Davis and SVP of Correspondent Sales Shelly Griffin explain why and the products most utilized....

Invest In Your Future

Invest In Your Future

Deephaven’s DSCR loan product is one of our most utilized mortgage products and the demand for the loan continues to grow. CoreLogic reports that 27% of purchases in August were investor transactions. Brokers who want to expand and serve every borrower type must have...

How to get a mortgage with bank statements and 1099s

How to get a mortgage with bank statements and 1099s

If you’re self-employed, congratulations! Working for yourself can be an exhilarating and rewarding experience, and a way to fulfill a long-held dream. As a self-employed individual, you’re also in the vanguard of the changing workforce. Since the COVID-19 pandemic...

Read this Before You Apply for a Bank Statement Mortgage

Read this Before You Apply for a Bank Statement Mortgage

Once upon a time, most American home buyers had regular jobs with regular companies that paid them every week or two weeks with regular paychecks.  Not anymore.  Over the past 15 – 20 years, America’s workforce and employment models have undergone significant...

What Makes a Top Non-QM Lender?

What Makes a Top Non-QM Lender?

The Non-QM (non-qualified mortgage) mortgage market is booming. Yet, despite the surge in demand for Non-QM mortgage programs and products, there is still little mainstream knowledge and understanding of Non-QM loans, why they exist, who they’re for, and what separates the top Non-QM lenders from the rest.

Sometimes Ingenuity is Common Sense with a Twist.

Sometimes Ingenuity is Common Sense with a Twist.

The whole purpose of Non-QM lending is to provide credit-worthy home buyers who don’t qualify for a traditional mortgage the loans they need and deserve. Of course, we also have to make sure they can afford them.

No W2?  What’s a high net worth mortgage customer to do?

No W2? What’s a high net worth mortgage customer to do?

Believe it or not, it can be difficult for high net worth people to qualify for a traditional mortgage. The problem? No tax forms confirming a steady paycheck. Perhaps they are self-employed or retired and therefore unemployed. They could be a serial entrepreneur who has just launched a new start-up or the owner of a successful restaurant chain whose wealth is tied up in the business.